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Category: Animals

Goat breed - La Mancha: description, productivity, care and breeding

It is easy to recognize the Laemanches by their small ears - because of them, the breed is often called the earless. These highly milked goats are considered universal - they are distinguished by high productivity in both meat and milk. The breed is one of the most productive and hassle-free.The history of the breed...

Large white pigs: a detailed review of the breed

Large white pig breed is the most common around the world. Their number is not in vain greater than other breeds, because these pigs have high productivity, and in addition, they quickly grow to large sizes. In addition, in the process of selection, animals did not lose their best qualities....

Mirgorod pig: detailed description of the breed

Mirgorod pigs require a farmer to spend a lot of time and money on their care and maintenance, but in the future it will definitely pay off, because it is one of the best sebaceous breeds. The breed is common in southern Russia, central and northern parts of Ukraine, as well as in the Republic of Belarus....

Vienna Blue - an interesting overview of the rabbit breed

Viennese blue rabbits are distinguished by their external beauty, the color of the coat that is immortalized in their name, and the excellent yield of nutritious meat. The rest of the article is all about keeping these animals for commercial purposes and as a pet. History When meeting with the breed, it will not be superfluous to learn about...

Instruction: DIY goat shed

With the decision to goat plant comes the question of where they are kept. This should be a room that meets the needs of the wards and is convenient for the owner when caring for animals. You can build a barn for goats with your own hands. This will be done even by a novice, subject to competent planning and selection of materials....

Jigging of rabbits from a rabbit: terms and rules

Okrol is one of the most anticipated farm events for any breeder. Just successful breeding of rabbits does not indicate that you can get good meat and fur from them. You should know a lot of rules that in the future will help to get an excellent and high-quality product. Age...